7 Habits of Highly Playful Parents and Happy Kids
written by Ashley Soderlund Ph.D., posted on nurture and thrive
Have you ever had the experience of meeting a stranger and connecting with them in a way that changes you?
Many years ago, I sat next to a woman on a plane and she changed the course of my future as a parent. We began talking and realized we were both child development psychologists. But, we didn’t talk about work that day — we talked about what it means to be a parent.
We were talking about how it’s not about how much time you spend with your kids, but rather, the quality of the time that you do spend with them.
We were talking about connection.
She told me that the week before, she woke her kids in the predawn hours with the promise of donuts and adventure. They piled into the car, bed head and all, and drove three hours away to the beach. They arrived just as the first pink streaks filled the sky and together they huddled under a blanket, munched donuts, and watched the sunrise over the ocean.